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Along with the All in One title, the Canary provides HomeHealth technology via its ability to monitor air quality, temperature, and humidity.

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It is currently working fine.

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, Northbridge Services Group is a private military contractor that claims to provide “highly confidential and effective security related services designed to address the needs of governments, multinational corporations, non governmental organizations, the corporate sector and prominent individuals.

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Offer valid for new ADT Authorized Dealer customers only and not on purchases from ADT Security Services, Inc.

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I suppose in the "legal" states it is a HERB and you can "pot" it on a sunny windowsill with your rosemary and basil. Basil would still be my favorite. I think of HUNKERED down as girding oneself to survive a long siege, like a Canadian winter or, even less fun, a stay in the fallout shelter out back. One may be hidden, but it's more of a side effect than the point. @anon12:27 I knew where you were going but enjoyed the ride. Nicely done.

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You are also able to view recordings in different resolutions to help have a better view of the data recorded.

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